Descripción general
¿Qué hace Bompel Industria de Calçados Ltda?
For 40 years in the market, we contribute daily to the protection of thousands of workers. Our products have internationally recognized quality, meeting customer requirements throughout Brazil and also exporting to countries in Latin America, Africa and Europe. Our headquarters is located in Toledo, Western Paraná, in a large industrial park with more than 8,500 m², endowed with a highly technological structure. We also have our own tannery, which contributes to the development of innovative products with various types of leathers and colors. Our trajectory Bompel was born small, based on the entrepreneurial vision of Eloi Bombonatto, a respected and inventive shoemaker, who projected his dreams along the lines of the embryonic agribusiness, today one of the pillars of the Brazilian economy. Backed by his brother, Irceu, he has built a respect mark in the safety equipment market.
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