Transporte y depósitos
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Transporte, Comunicaciones, Electricidad, Gas y Servicios Sanitarios
Transporte y depósitos
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Principales Empresas de Transporte Y Depósitos
10,000+ Empresas
Terminal Logistico do Vale do Paraiba Ltda
Presidente Dutra, Via C Parte Galpao Area C, 27540002, Resende, Resende, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil2000
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Multiterminais is an integrated logistics company that implemented the first Customs Retreat Terminal in Brazil, in 1986, in an area adjacent to the Public Port of Rio de Janeiro. The port was operated, at the time, by CDRJ - Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro. Today, Multiterminais is located among the largest operators of port terminals and dry ports in Brazil and among the most important companies providing services to foreign trade.:
Multiterminais is responsible for the operation of two Marine Terminals in the Port of Rio de Janeiro: MultiRio Container Terminal and MultiCar Vehicle Terminal.:
It also has three Dry Ports / CLIA: (CLIA - Rio de Janeiro, Porto Seco - Juiz de Fora and Porto Seco - Resende), two Logistics Operations Centers in Resende (RJ) and Juiz de Fora (MG) in addition to General Warehouses .:
All of the company's assets are operated in an integrated manner and customers benefit from the synergies of its logistics platform.:
Its intermodal transport structure allows the development of customized logistics projects for industries and Brazilian foreign trade in general.:
A pioneer in the use of the internet as a tool in cargo tracking and tracing operations, Multiterminais offers its customers the best information technology infrastructure, resulting in a more efficient and secure logistics process.:
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