What does Oficentro de México, S.A. de C.V. do?
Oficentro de México S.A. de C.V., is a leading company in the design and marketing of furniture systems that offers comprehensive solutions to: Offices, Auditoriums, Universities, Hospitals and Storage. Since 1976, with 43 years of experience, Oficentro has aimed to satisfy the growing need for design and professional advice in the most avant-garde for modern offices. We also have specialized architects and vendors to meet the needs of the growing demand in our state. We create personalized projects, adapting to the demands and tastes of our wide portfolio of clients. It is for this reason that we have earned your trust and loyalty. We are representatives of national and imported brands such as: Vivant, GCM, Workspaces, Tremain, Hon, Virco, Steelcase, Italia, Offichairs, Requiez and Biblomodel. Our Compumak Technology area: We have 15 years of experience in the sale and installation of computer and printing equipment, as well as accessories and consumables for our clients in the public, educational and business sectors. Our staff offers prompt and professional advice and service. Our area of: Pronetworks, with more than 10 years of experience, is the division backed by Grupo Oficentro that offers high-performance, long-lasting and minimal maintenance technological solutions in the telecommunications area. Mission To achieve functional and pleasant work spaces for our clients, which benefit productivity in the community. Vision To be the # 1 option in the mind of the client in office furniture, design and equipment, for being an avant-garde, solid and expanding company, which always includes the best products and services, with competent and professional staff. Values EthicsBe competentCausationResponsibilityLoyalty
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