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Thinkspace, S.C. logo

Thinkspace, S.C.


México, Ciudad De México, Mexico2010
D-U-N-S® Registered™D-U-N-S® Credibility Certificate
Provision of professional services in architectural and interior design, as well as consultancy and advice in sustainable architecture. Our passion has been, from our birth, design and architecture. We seek to work with corporations that think of space as a way to make a difference, we have structured a new way of seeing and living architecture and developed a methodology consistent with this vision. A new way of seeing architecture: With the aim of not being the biggest, but the best, we have become an interdisciplinary team of professionals who are highly committed and talented. In spAce we realize the importance of research, as well as technological development, and we have included both in our special way of thinking and working. We are always looking for SUSTAINABLE solutions that not only respect the ENVIRONMENT, but also help to improve our environment. We are convinced that, when thinking in terms of PEOPLE-TECHNOLOGY-SPACE at the same time, ideas move faster. So we started by merging smart people with intelligent technologies into intelligent spaces. We have created several lines of business: corporate architecture, interior and exterior, hotels, commercial architecture, points of sale, shopping centers, residential architecture, among many others. We know that to achieve a great solution you have to start from within; either a small or limited space, a large building, a campus, hotel, offices, shops or a housing development. This is the foundation of our professional philosophy: DESIGN INSIDE OUT. In a nutshell, this is our story; we consider it the legacy of spAce.
Metalique Engenharia e Tecnologia Ltda logo

Metalique Engenharia e Tecnologia Ltda

Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil2004
D-U-N-S® Registered™
Fundada em 2004, a Metalique é especializada no desenvolvimento, fabricação, comercialização e instalação de máquinas CNC para corte de metais de plasma e laser fibra. Com qualidade excepcional, baixo custo, a empresa emprega tecnologia própria, inclusive em seus sistemas eletrônicos. A Metalique é pioneira no desenvolvimento do próprio CNC (Comando Numérico Computadorizado), que garante confiabilidade e certeza de reposição de peças para os clientes, além de suporte técnico rápido e eficiente, por ser a fabricante e desenvolvedora do sistema eletrônico. O CNC disponibiliza ferramentas intuitivas e de fácil assimilação, o que proporciona segurança para o operador trabalhar com o equipamento. ​ O portfólio da Metalique oferece diversos modelos de equipamentos, como cortadoras à plasma, Laser Fibra, Gravadoras a laser, Dobradeiras CN e CNC, solda a laser, entre outros. A diversidade garante que o cliente encontre a solução completa, otimizando tempo e custos, sem comprometer a qualidade. ​ A Metalique possui anos de experiência combinados com capacidade criativa e interação com os clientes, o que resulta continuamente em novos conceitos e ideias originais, mantendo a liderança no setor e buscando sempre a excelência. A equipe da Metalique é composta por profissionais com extensa experiência, o que estabelece a base para todos os trabalhos e produtos. A sede da empresa possui mais de 6000m² de área e 4000 m² de pátio fabril. Hoje, a Metalique é líder no setor, graças à confiança que seus clientes e parceiros depositam em seu trabalho. ​ A empresa tem como propósito democratizar a tecnologia e oferecer a todos os clientes possibilidades e alternativas para produzirem cada vez mais com as tecnologias mais avançadas do mercado.
Proyectos Concretos y Construcciones Almequio, S.A. de C.V. logo

Proyectos Concretos y Construcciones Almequio, S.A. de C.V.

Puebla, Puebla, Mexico2012
D-U-N-S® Registered™
The company Almequio was founded on November 21, 2012 by the partners Alfonso Ojeda Castillo and Melquiades Quiroz Reyes. The varied and extensive experience of both technical and business personnel has allowed us to be in the private and government market in civil works and infrastructure, industrial assembly. The objective of our company is to assume the commitment to the needs of our customers in all aspects related to the optimization of quality, design and costs by constantly developing alternative solutions accessible to our customers; define the strategies and flows necessary for the development of projects in the shortest possible time; provide our customers with value-added services; Define the strategies to have financial resources to ensure execution in the shortest time possible, meeting high quality standards; provide a pleasant work environment where our staff is effective and efficient; encourage constant training for our staff. Our products and services we provide are: development of private and public works, in addition to participating in urban projects such as: Drinking water systems, sewage collectors, treatment plants, housing developments, horizontal and vertical condominiums, earthworks, pavements in hydraulic concrete and stamping, sidewalks and fittings. Professional gardening: landscaping, urban development and parks, slope wrapping, supply and placement of topsoil, preparation, conditioning and maintenance of areas for pasture placement. Urban Images: Restoration of facades, application of paint and recovery of coatings, placement of street furniture, signage and public lighting.