What does Thinkspace, S.C. do?
Provision of professional services in architectural and interior design, as well as consultancy and advice in sustainable architecture. Our passion has been, from our birth, design and architecture. We seek to work with corporations that think of space as a way to make a difference, we have structured a new way of seeing and living architecture and developed a methodology consistent with this vision. A new way of seeing architecture: With the aim of not being the biggest, but the best, we have become an interdisciplinary team of professionals who are highly committed and talented. In spAce we realize the importance of research, as well as technological development, and we have included both in our special way of thinking and working. We are always looking for SUSTAINABLE solutions that not only respect the ENVIRONMENT, but also help to improve our environment. We are convinced that, when thinking in terms of PEOPLE-TECHNOLOGY-SPACE at the same time, ideas move faster. So we started by merging smart people with intelligent technologies into intelligent spaces. We have created several lines of business: corporate architecture, interior and exterior, hotels, commercial architecture, points of sale, shopping centers, residential architecture, among many others. We know that to achieve a great solution you have to start from within; either a small or limited space, a large building, a campus, hotel, offices, shops or a housing development. This is the foundation of our professional philosophy: DESIGN INSIDE OUT. In a nutshell, this is our story; we consider it the legacy of spAce.
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