Visão geral
O que faz STM Superion de México, S.A. de C.V.?
STM Mexico is a company specializing in the design of special cutting tools and standards, such as rhymes, bits, cutters and inserts of solid tungsten carbide, with diamond tip, with tip of CBN (cubic boron nitride), fast steel, as well as combinations of these cutting materials. The tools designed and produced by STM Mexico are used to machine most of the materials used in the industry, such as carbon and alloy steels, gray and nodular cast iron, heat resistant steels, aluminum and aluminum alloys, copper alloys, plastics and composite materials. In addition, we have trained and constantly learning staff that works together with our clients in the development of tools according to their manufacturing needs, as well as specialists in our plants in Japan, the United States and Europe, but especially in our plant in Mexico with a great experience in design and manufacturing that contribute their knowledge and opinions to offer the best alternative to our customers. Our tools are manufactured under the strictest quality controls and based on international standards ISO, ANSI, JIS, etc.
Pontuações e avaliações

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Taxa de exportação e importação ao longo do tempo
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Número de funcionários por país
Distribuição da faixa etária dentro da empresa
Colaboradores por rácio de antiguidade
Proporção entre homens e mulheres
Proporção de gerentes masculinos para femininos
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