Visão geral
O que faz Vales Tenreiro, S.C. P.?
About us? We are a collection corporation with more than 35 years of experience specializing in early defaults at the national level by telephone, digital and visits in various areas of the republic and in judicial collection with a presence in the southeast of the country. Our team made up of more than 120 collaborators works daily to meet the goals established by the client and by the direction of our organization. Mission Being an organization specialized in collections that seeks to clean up the overdue portfolio of our clients without neglecting the human factor of both the borrower and our workforce. Vision Transcend as an organization over time as an entity that generates value both for our clients, as well as for our internal team, as well as for society and the environment. Value added Our added value consists of carrying out a dignified collection, by proposing solutions adapted to the realities and possibilities of the borrowers, putting respect for the dignity of the person, opening the possibility for the borrower to use again the financial tools at their disposal. scope.
Pontuações e avaliações

Receita anual ao longo do tempo
Taxa de exportação e importação ao longo do tempo
Número de funcionários ao longo do tempo
Proporção entre homens e mulheres
Proporção de gerentes masculinos para femininos
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