Visão geral
O que faz Methods Technologies and Process To Information Systems, S.A. de C.V.?
We are MTP International. Since 1997 we have offered Digital Quality services to organizations in the Financial, Retail, Telecommunications, and Public Administration sectors, among others. For 25 years, we have worked with multinational clients and provided support through our centers of excellence and service factories distributed around the globe. MTP arrived in Mexico a little over 10 years ago, during which time it has established relationships of trust with clients who have managed to ensure digital quality in their applications and platforms. We have a presence in Europe and America: we have more than 1,500 professionals in the group, 30% of them are in Mexico, distributed among our offices in CDMX, Querétaro and Hidalgo.
Pontuações e avaliações

Receita anual ao longo do tempo
Taxa de exportação e importação ao longo do tempo
Número de funcionários ao longo do tempo
Número de funcionários por país
Proporção de gerentes masculinos para femininos
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