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O que faz Kreston BSG, S.C.?
Kreston BSG is a leading accounting and financial services company based in Mexico. We provide a full range of accounting, business consulting and financial services that will help you meet your personal and business goals, and with our deep understanding of your professional challenges and opportunities, we will go beyond the traditional accounting role to guide you to whatever the future will come. Kreston BSG provides your company with global coverage as it is part of the Kreston network. As well as the support of people who know them, have access to the knowledge and skills of our colleagues in 113 countries. Wherever your ambition takes you in the world, our combination of experience and empathy will help your business fulfill the demands of the future. The Firm: In KRESTON BSG we know that “people do business with people they know, like and which they trust”. We are multidisciplinary consulting firm that provides integral solutions through the synergy of a team of experts in tax solutions, audit, foreign trade and other strategic areas. We assure quality, innovation and ethics of our services, through a view of local assistance with global view. In order to accomplish this, our firm is an independent member of KRESTON INTERNATIONAL, based in England, which groups leading consulting firms. “Having KRESTON BSG´s support is count with specialists that share knowledge with partners from over more than 113 countries and apply their experience in the Mexican environment with a continuous and close assistance. To have our clients optimized their productivity, capitalize opportunities and strengthen their strategic structure with a proper compliance to our legislation, is our reason for being. KRESTON BSG´s solutions are addressed by our partners, who have many years of experience in their correspondent areas and an outstanding track record of achievement in their specific field. Our portfolio adapts to real and unique needs from our clients in matters such as: - Tax solutions - Audit solutions - Foreign Trade and Transfer Pricing solutions - Solutions in strategic areas
Pontuações e avaliações

Receita anual ao longo do tempo
Taxa de exportação e importação ao longo do tempo
Número de funcionários ao longo do tempo
Número de funcionários por país
Proporção entre homens e mulheres
Proporção de gerentes masculinos para femininos
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