Visão geral
O que faz Ecodeli Industrial, S.A. de C.V.?
Ecodeli Comercial leader in the market as a supplier of cleaning products nationwide, the name Ecodeli comes from the compression of a phrase: Ecological Cleaning. MissionEcodeli is a company that provides organic products and comprehensive services of professional cleaning, which seeks and promotes its growth and constant innovation, with national coverage, thus allowing compliance with the operating parameters that place it as the most competitive option for customers. and based on a platform of Social Responsibility, inclusion and non-discrimination. VisionAt Ecodeli we seek to be a responsible and financially sound company that exceeds customer expectations by innovating cleaning tactics, having a presence throughout the country and national recognition in cleaning products and services, basing our operations on a management system socially responsible and inclusive where human rights are promoted with our entire value chain Values - Honesty - Loyalty - Leadership - Teamwork - Overcoming - Respect
Pontuações e avaliações


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