Visão geral
O que faz Prosisa Imc de México, S.A. de C.V.?
We are a company of services, engineering, we install pipes, cooling towers, fire systems, our clients are in sectors of the automotive, food, pharmaceutical, construction, etc., throughout the country. Prosisa IMC de México, S.A. de C.V. (PROSISA IMC), is a group with high quality standards, founded more than 27 years ago under the name of (PROSISA), with the purpose of satisfying and meeting the needs of the national market. Our synergy and strategic alliances allow us to respond to the needs of any Company that requires executing turnkey projects, intelligently and securely with the best infrastructure and highly trained personnel. Our services are: "Design and Construction of Industrial Warehouses, Prefabrication and Installation of Fire Fighting Equipment, Integral and Electromechanical, Industrial and Civil Works, Technical Consulting, Engineering Service, Import and Export of Equipment, Tools and Materials" Our technical quality allows us to be recognized by prestigious companies such as FORD, FCA Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, GM, Daimler, AUDI, VW Mexico, Sanofi, Walbrigde, etc., which have hired our qualified workforce to install some of your projects.
Pontuações e avaliações


Taxa de exportação e importação ao longo do tempo
Número de funcionários ao longo do tempo
Número de funcionários por país
Distribuição da faixa etária dentro da empresa
Colaboradores por rácio de antiguidade
Proporção entre homens e mulheres
Proporção de gerentes masculinos para femininos
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