Visão geral
O que faz Polyworks México Metrología, S.A. de C.V.?
InnovMetric Software Inc. is the leading provider of universal 3D metrology software solutions. Our mission is to maximize the benefits of 3D measurement technologies for industrial manufacturing organizations worldwide by developing a universal 3D metrology software platform that can be deployed as a global corporate solution. The PolyWorks software package is at the forefront when it comes to maximizing productivity, quality and profits when integrating 3D measurement technologies into industrial manufacturing processes. PolyWorks offers 3D metrology solutions that cover the entire product development cycle, from the design and prototyping of the part and tool to the final inspection of assembled products. As a universal platform, it connects directly with leading brands and technologies of 3D measurement devices for individual points or point clouds through extension modules, and supports a wide range of native file formats of point clouds and polygonal models . Finally, PolyWorks offers the most flexible and customizable software solution in the 3D metrology market. Thanks to its fully customizable user interface and a versatile and user-friendly macro scripting programming language, PolyWorks users can develop and implement successful automation processes or interactive workflows to improve the efficiency of measurement in workshops.
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