Visão geral
O que faz Banyax, S.A.P.I. de C.V.?
Banyax provides 24×7 real-time Cyber Defense Center Services using the latest technology tools to provide our state-of-the-art services. Research from Gartner Group has shown that 98% of companies have the data they needed to prevent a breach, but how to find a needle in a haystack? Our Virtual Cyber Defense Center (VCDC) ingests and performs analytics on large data sets from the logs generated from various systems. We then run an Incident Response Automated Orchestration process. Our VCDC is a team of highly skilled cybersecurity agents and data analysts. They use next generation tools such as machine learning and data science analytics, combined with User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) to quickly detect, identify and mitigate threats to your environment.
Pontuações e avaliações

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Taxa de exportação e importação ao longo do tempo
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Proporção de gerentes masculinos para femininos
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