Descripción general
¿Qué hace Unionrebit Industria e Comercio de Artefatos de Metais Ltda?
UNIONREBIT manufactures and markets fasteners and cold-formed parts, and is committed to meeting the requirements of the quality management system. Aiming at the satisfaction of our customers through continuous improvement and quality objectives: MISSION: Develop solutions in fasteners and cold-formed parts, aiming at people's quality of life and preservation of the environment. VIEW: Being among the largest companies manufacturing rivets and fasteners. VALUES: To be recognized as the best company to work with our employees, quality reference for our customers, relationship with our suppliers and results for our shareholders. Respecting the environment and valuing life. QUALITY POLICY: "To seek excellence in all products and services, meeting the requirement and exceeding the expectations of customers in quality and service" Operational structure: Founded in 1950, UNIONREBIT employs more than 70 employees in a 4,000m² facility. Its productive capacity is 120 tons or 60,000,000 pieces / month.
Puntuaciones y calificaciones
Proporción de exportación e importación a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados a lo largo del tiempo
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