MS Serviços
Descripción general
¿Qué hace MS Serviços Ltda?
Founded in 2012, MS SERVIÇOS is a Brazilian company, dedicated to high quality electrical engineering services. Our success is in bringing quality and innovation to the energy systems to our customers in a timely and economical way. We provide professional services ranging from commissioning, operation and maintenance, as well as consulting for electric power systems, specializing in wind and industrial machines. Services are divided into two main areas: → Electricity production and maintenance facilities: In electricity production, notably in wind farms, maintenance covers several phases of the projects, mechanical assembly and electrical installation, followed by commissioning including tests. Various types of corrective and preventive maintenance plans, as well as quality assurance consultations, visual inspections or safety audits. → Diagnosis of electrical machines: We offer advanced non-invasive diagnostic techniques to predict and diagnose defects in the operation of three-phase induction motors, generators, power electronics, adjustable speed drives, as well as three-phase transformers. This diagnostic technique is our first developed product that has attracted many customers, who entrust us with periodic examinations on their equipment.
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