Descripción general
¿Qué hace Jav Instrumentacao Comercio de Materiais de Medicao Ltda?
The JAV Group specializes in the distribution of products for industrial automation, instrumentation, electrical materials, assembly of electrical panels and collaborative robotics. And our main goal is to be an industry partner. We started our activities in 1990 in Criciúma-SC, acting as an authorized distributor of Rockwell Automation for the entire state of Santa Catarina. Over these 29 years of operation, we have expanded our operation to the North and Northeast regions. Our technical / commercial team is formed by engineers, who constantly participate in training in Brazil and the United States, and are prepared to provide support in the development and integration for the best automation system solutions. Our portfolio has the main brands in the market, making the JAV Group recognized as a distributor of quality products with the latest technology and excellent service. We are also associated with NAED - International Association of Electrical Distributors, which contributes to the strengthening and commitment of our brand to suppliers of electrical materials of North American origin
Puntuaciones y calificaciones

Proporción de exportación e importación a lo largo del tiempo
Proporción de gerentes entre hombres y mujeres
Personas clave
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