Descripción general
¿Qué hace Moraes Dantas Construcoes Ltda?
Dedicated Engineering Services: Execution of works in the various segments of construction.: Moraes Dantas is a construction company dedicated to meeting the specific needs of its customers with an experienced engineering team, applied to propose the most appropriate technical time and cost solutions. In more than 40 years of experience of the Board, Moraes Dantas Construções adds solidity with dynamism and reliability. With an active Board and close to the works in progress, the agility of decision and attention to customers is its mark and differential. The goal is the viability of customers' business through an effective partnership, always taking into consideration 4 pillars: - Difference is engineering - best technical solutions. - Safety - preliminary risk analysis prior to performing any service. - Clean work - safety, speed to the customer, economy, eliminate waste and take care of the environment. - Speed of decision - attention to the customer and their needs.
Puntuaciones y calificaciones
Proporción de exportación e importación a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados por país
Proporción de gerentes entre hombres y mujeres
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