Hitec Ti Manutenção de Equipamentos Eletrônicos
Descripción general
¿Qué hace RGL Solutions Ltda?
We are specialists in complex networks involving Access Switches, Distribution and Core, Routers and WLAN; with access control, security and advanced management. • Maintenance and repair of machines and equipment • Construction of stations and telecommunication networks • Attacker trade of computer supplies • Trade attacker of electronic components and telephony and communication equipment • Development of computer programs on request • Development and licensing of customized computer programs - Information Technology Consulting • Technical support, maintenance and other services in information technology • Activities of intermediary and agency of services and general businesses, except real estate • Room for other commercial and industrial machines and equipment • Computer training • Training in professional and managerial development • Repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment and communication equipment."
Puntuaciones y calificaciones
Proporción de exportación e importación a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados por país
Proporción de empleados entre hombres y mujeres
Proporción de gerentes entre hombres y mujeres
Personas clave
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