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C3 Automacao e Tecnologia Ltda

C3 Automacao e Tecnologia

Sitio web

Descripción general

Nombre legal
C3 Automacao e Tecnologia Ltda
Nombre(s) comercial(es)
C3 Automacao e Tecnologia
Identificación fiscal
Entidad legal
Private limited company
1 - 20
Correos electrónico(s)
1 dirección
Números de teléfono
1 dirección
Luiz Augusto De Oliveira, Km 148,8 - Sp 215 - Unidade Af2 148, Km 148, Parque Tecnologico, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil

¿Qué hace C3 Automacao e Tecnologia Ltda?

About Us: C3 is specialized in the development of software for plant automation and industrial processes. Through a team of highly qualified and constantly updated professionals with new trends, C3 offers its customers high performance software, electrical panels approved to the highest quality standards and electrical installations that provide a new experience in the operation and control of the most varied processes and segments. Software PLC programmingHMI programmingCNC programmingRobot programmingScada systemTraceability systemBusiness intelligence Hardware Industrial networkInterface devicesServo controllersInspection camerasElectronic nutrunnersEletric press Projects CoordinationConsultingEngineeringElectrical drawingDocumentationCertification Assembly CabinetsNetworkElctricMechanicPneumatic Automation: We work in the development of software and electrical solutions for automation of plants and industrial processes. We work with the latest in technology, with equipment certified and certified to the highest quality standards. We offer solutions in storage, analysis and reporting for traceability, giving full production control. Complete solutions in the development of customized software for industrial automation. Programming of PLC, HMI, SDCD, supervisory systems and process traceability. Parametrization and integration of high performance networks, frequency inverters, screwdrivers, servo motors, vision systems, among others. Supervisories / HMI – Also accessed via mobile devices, they are used for the control and visualization of variables of machines or processes, data storage for analysis, reporting and sending of information. Programs for PLC – They are the heart of automation. Used in the control of devices, interlocks, storage, security and mainly in the optimization of costs with the reduction of additional equipment. Vision Systems – They allow the automated inspection of products and processes, generating greater quality and reliability in the final product. Traceability System – High technology at the service of quality. Storage, query and reporting based on information recorded at all stages of the process. Process: Allying knowledge and advanced technology, we provide a new experience in the operation and control of the most varied processes. Among other areas of industry, we strongly work in Automobile, Sanitation and Environmental and Energy Generation and Transmission. Get to know our work and learn how we can help your company's efficiency and productivity. AutomotiveAutomation of machines, lines and vehicle manufacturing process; PLC programming and industrial networks; customized supervisory systems; man x machine interfaces; traceability of processes; andon system.Parametrization and integration of servomotors, screwdrivers, vision system, servo presses, safety system, equipment for leak testing. Sanitation and EnvironmentalPlant automation for water and effluent treatment, monitoring and control of processes and treatment phases, pre-treatment (chemical physics), sand and coal filters, decarbonating towers, demineralization with mixed beds and chemical dosing, reverse osmosis systems and ultrafiltration. Power Generation and TransmissionControl and integration of equipment for generation and transmission in power plants, remote review system, reports for analysis and control, network communication with multimeters and protection relays, control and circuit interlocking. Other Areas of PracticePharmaceuticals - Food - Logistics - Graphic - Metallurgy and Steel Industry - Processing industries in general. Products: We offer a complete line of components for industrial automation. In constant harmony with the technological innovations and with partners of great representation in the market, we always have excellent alternatives to offer, conciliating deadlines, optimizing costs and ensuring the competitiveness of your business. See list of products. Programmable logic controllers (PLCs); Human Machine Interfaces (HMI); Screwdrivers; Vision system; Frequency inverters; Servo controllers; Drive components; Electrical panels; Industrial computers; Sensors and Transmitters; Signal converters; Solutions: End-to-end solutions developed to meet the entire demand and need of industrial automation. PLC & Automation We work in the development of software and electrical solutions for plants’ automation and industrial processes. Using the most updated in technology, with certified equipment and highest quality standards, it is possible to deliver the best-in-class to our customers. Performance & Traceability Through our software, it is possible to monitor the production line, gathering every single relevant information to give visibility and ensure the best performance by tracking the whole process chain. Business Intelligence All of the solutions implemented sending information to a central server and, by the use of a reporting system, we give visibility of the main important KPI’s, dashboards and reports, providing insights for better decision making process. Hardware for many solutions By the experience of our professionals, C3 can create projects to meet all our customer needs. We also have partnership with the best equipment providers, all of them certified by the most used solutions for PLC, network, sensors, servers, industrial PC’s, etc. Planning Activities Acting as a project consultancy, we gather all necessary information, plan and monitor all the activities, form the software development to the mechanic assembly, as a single project. Assembly & Execution We work inpartnership with the most experienced professionals who can assembly and executed what is planned in our projects, delivering not only the software working but also the production line commissioned and started.

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D-U-N-S® Registered™
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Válido hasta el abr. 2026

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