Descripción general
¿Qué hace Kostal Eletromecânica Ltda?
KOSTAL ELETROMECÂNICA LTDA. is a subsidiary of the German multinational, in the segment of electronic, electromechanical and mechatronic components for the automotive industry. In Brazil since 1978, it has two units in the State of São Paulo: São Bernardo do Campo and Cravinhos and one unit in Manaus (AM), employing around 1,100 employees together. It is responsible for the production of about 30% of products for the Electric Group of the main automakers. It has a strong presence in the line of Spare Parts and since 2010 also manufactures products for the line of Automotive Accessories distributed throughout Brazil. Through its strong performance in the Brazilian market, a KOSTAL stands out for the production and development of a huge variety of products with the latest technology, innovation and very high quality standards.
Puntuaciones y calificaciones
Proporción de exportación e importación a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados por país
Proporción de gerentes entre hombres y mujeres
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