Descripción general
¿Qué hace MJV Solucoes em Tecnologia Ltda?
4 strategic pillars: We have 4 main strategic directions in which we have extensive experience in different industries and varied business challenges.The integration of these strategic directions brings a holistic approach to problems turning them into opportunities high impact for the business. we combine our strategic pillars to create our offerings.: - Strategic Design - Digital Transformation- - Cultural Transformation- - Experience and Interaction- Strategic Design: We combine business strategy with human-centered design in order to generate highly relevant solutions.We understand all the stakeholders involved in the business and identify latent needs to design differentiated solutions.We build innovative territories, future scenarios, design new products, services & experiences & develop positioning and communication strategies. Strategic design: some challenges we have tackled: - Future brand territories - Exploring new business models - Designing new offers for new markets - Experience and service design - Brand strategy & Communication Experience and Interaction: We design and implement user-friendly solutions that are compatible with the company’s technological infrastructure.We identify needs and functionalities to achieve strategic objectives. We use agile cycles to build prototypes and develop solutions until their implementation.We design both platforms and tools for internal use and to interact with clients as well as with external stakeholders. Experience and interaction: some challenges we have tackled: - Process Digitalization - Creating & Redesigning process - Development of new working tools - Gamified Platforms - Proof of concept Digital transformation: We accompany and take our clients to the future.We understand the needs for change and identify the best technologies and processes to create business transformation as well as to create a digital mindset.We design and implement digital solutions including Front End and Back End, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Big Data. Digital transformation: some challenges we have tackled: - Digital Strategy - Smart Solutions - Open Innovation Cultural transformation: We integrate our expertise to promote change towards an innovative, agile and people-centered culture.We build personalized innovation models, based on existing methodologies, current company culture and strategic objectives.We design tools, processes and experiences necessary to generate a real change in behavior and impact the business. Cultural transformation: some challenges we have tackled: - Design Thinking + Agile - Intrapreneurship - Innovation culture for IT (Information Technology) - Innovation Labs
Puntuaciones y calificaciones

Ingresos anuales a lo largo del tiempo
Proporción de exportación e importación a lo largo del tiempo
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Proporción de gerentes entre hombres y mujeres
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