Descripción general
¿Qué hace Paraguacu Engenharia Ltda?
Construction company with 30 years of experience throughout Brazil, carrying out works for large wholesale and retail chains, in addition to various real estate development works, with the aim of gaining customer loyalty, and thus ensuring sustainable growth. The history of Paraguaçu Engenharia has been built with a spirit of work, harmony and a lot of courage to face technical challenges, adjusting the actions of employees in a sectorized manner, thus allowing specialization for each construction type and the variety of its clients, continually improving processes management, executing large and beautiful works, regardless of their physical size.
Puntuaciones y calificaciones

Ingresos anuales a lo largo del tiempo
Proporción de exportación e importación a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados a lo largo del tiempo
Número de empleados por país
Proporción de gerentes entre hombres y mujeres
Personas clave
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