Moviis Trade
Descripción general
¿Qué hace Moviis Importação e Exportação Ltda?
We are specialists in Foreign Trade Advisory and Solutions. Through integrated logistics we offer personalized services in all import and export procedures, with a focus on cost reduction and agility in delivery With over 40 years of experience, we offer services and customized solutions in all areas related to foreign trade: export, import and distribution of products Headquartered in Santa Catarina, our goal is to offer personalized services, through fiscal, tax and logistics intelligence with a focus on cost reduction. Moviis Trade operates in imports, optimizing results in all stages of international trade, reducing costs throughout the logistics chain. Use of ERP - Connections, sending KPIs and complete management of imports through online access password.services - Operation on behalf of third parties - IN 1861;- Order Operation - IN 1861;- Fiscal and tax planning; - National logistics; - International logistics; - Storage; - Distribution.
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