

Consultoría en la gestión de sistemas de información
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Consultoría en la gestión de sistemas de información


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Principales Empresas de Consultoría En La Gestión De Sistemas De Información

10,000+ Empresas

Logotipo de Level 4 Consultoria Ltda

Level 4 Consultoria Ltda

Level 4 Consulting

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil2005
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Strategic Planning in organizations is a fundamental activity for their continuity and constant growth, it is much more than the projection of actions on the calendar, it is a need to analyze the business and orchestrate the actions for the strengthening and growth of the organization , it is necessary to analyze the environment in which the company operates and draw its maps to walk with ease in an increasingly agile and complex market. The result of this planning forms a set of strategies to achieve the objectives within some principles and values. Information Technology Planning is a major challenge compared to Strategic Planning, and is therefore very complex. Using different scenarios, planning is an efficient way for CIOs (Chief Information Officer), preparing the company for technological changes. The strategic planning in IT can be used as a facilitator in the organization's decision making, in the identification of the opportunities of Information System and thus to support the business businesses, meeting the needs of the users. What technology should I use? A question is embedded in this question: Will this technology have a long life to preserve the investments made by the company? Level 4 assists in the analysis of these possible futures, facilitating risk assessment and helping decision making. Level 4 Consulting was born with the proposal to be an IT Solutions Consultancy for medium and large clients. The experience in implementing large projects, with significant results in the strategic consulting segment, assures our customers new ways to transform their business and consequently their results.
Logotipo de IDS Comercial, S.A. de C.V.

IDS Comercial, S.A. de C.V.

México, Ciudad De México, México1993
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Somos ids, una empresa con más de 35 años de experiencia, especialista en servicios de consultoría, desarrollo de software y asignación de consultores. Por medio de servicios innovadores brindamos soluciones a nuestros socios tecnológicos basadas en la aplicación de metodologías y procesos alineados hacia las mejores prácticas. Por medio de servicios innovadores brindamos soluciones a nuestros socios tecnológicos basadas en la aplicación de metodologías y procesos alineados hacia las mejores prácticas. En ids establecemos vínculos de confianza por medio de nuestro talento, calidad y aplicación de prácticas Lean Agile que permiten agregar valor a nuestros socios tecnológicos y el éxito de los proyectos. Nos convertimos en socios tecnológicos basados en la innovación integrada y transformación tecnológica. En ids vivimos la Transformación Digital todos los días, somos una empresa basada en una cultura Agile, la cual busca flexibilidad y capacidad de adaptación a los cambios, aprovechando los mismos para proporcionar una ventaja competitiva. En ids estamos orientados hacia la excelencia del servicio, con más de 1,200 consultores altamente capacitados y orientados a brindar soluciones de negocio. ¿Cómo lo logramos? • Valor agregado a la solución y negocio• Consistencia y oportunidad en la entrega del servicio• Calidad en el desarrollo de proyectos• Mantenibilidad del software y reducción del costo total de propiedad La promesa ids:• Servicio al cliente • Valor al negocio • Calidad en solución
Logotipo de Blend It Consultoria e Serviços em Informática Ltda

Blend It Consultoria e Serviços em Informática Ltda

Blend IT Consultoria

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil2001
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™ESG Registered™
Blend IT is a client-focused IT consulting firm.: Our mission is to help companies maximize their business potential by designing, developing and installing custom systems and technology solutions that enable these companies to effectively utilize information technology as a competitive advantage. We are your source for technology-based business and tax solutions. We have a team of IT consultants, including software developers and systems engineers able to deliver value to your company's information systems. We help your company turn data into profit by linking technology to your business goals. We understand that a true solution-driven approach goes far beyond mere customer satisfaction - it is about developing a solid technology strategy that matches your business goals, combining the best technology with award-winning professional services, to deliver your the competitive edge it needs to achieve success. Whether your company requires reliable software solutions or custom application development services, Blend IT is a complete solution provider that can meet your technology-based business needs. Blend IT has its SAP, Mastersaf, Microsoft and OutSystem offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba. And in order to support our global customers, we have the Blend IT Florida branch located in Orlando. We offer our clients agility, transparency, flexibility and cutting-edge technology.
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