What does Grupo T&C Tele & Com, S.A. de C.V. do?
We help our partners in their personal and business transformation projects. Our goal is maximum satisfaction for both parties, exchanging benefits in profitable businesses, applying disruptive and exponential technologies and methodologies, with the firm idea that it costs 10 times more to solve a problem than the cost of preventing it. We have the highest levels of experience and knowledge to develop all stages of a project; from the Engineering, installation and maintenance of the critical areas of a data center, such as: electrical energy, cooling, fire prevention and control, environment, physical security, telecommunications, the administration of these same areas and the projects that entails the success of these important projects. We help staff in all areas and all levels meet their resource optimization responsibilities; mainly time, effort and financial investment. We are committed to meeting the most demanding requirements to ensure the competitiveness of our partners through key performance indicators, such as: 99.99% availability, timely detection of unauthorized access attempts, professional consulting services and support for your staff to help them fulfill their responsibilities. We are a committed team that integrates turnkey, all-inclusive solutions, guaranteeing high availability of our clients' services and meeting their requirements with 7x24x365 services. We are committed to ensuring that your investments produce benefits for your organizations and we generate relationships of trust based on timely and effective communication. We serve them with an attitude of service, sharing information and knowledge, in a climate of respect, discipline, self-criticism, commitment, integrity and flexibility that promotes personal improvement with excellence and harmony.
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