What does Compromesso Indústria Metalúrgica Ltda do?
The company:: COMPROMESSO Indústria Metalúrgica specializes in machining and light boilermaking. Meets high quality standards in the manufacture of machined, oxycut, folded, and welded assemblies. The work of COMPROMESSO is developed jointly with our customers and suppliers, with the firm guidance of continuous improvement and joint search of solutions to meet the needs of our customers. Installed in the municipality of Itaquaquecetuba-SP, COMPROMESSO counts on specialized equipment besides equipment and software of last generation. Our Quality Policy:: To manufacture and supply products that meet the requirements and provide the happiness of our customers in quality and delivery time through continuous improvement: 1- the production process;2- the effectiveness of the quality management system;3- the technical training of our employees. Our vision:: To be a brand admired for the excellence of its performance, its technology, and innovative attitudes for the benefit of its customers. Our mission:: Apply all technological knowledge in the production of parts and assemblies in total integration with our customers, suppliers, employees, and the environment, always with enthusiasm, responsibility and respect for the values of sustainability. Our values:: Simplicity: Option for simple, direct and objective paths. Excellence in Business: Cost - Quality - Term Commitment to the pursuit of excellence, through innovation, continuous improvement of quality, and agility in results. Responsible Actions: To meet the needs of customers with responsibility, through actions involving suppliers, and employees, respecting environmental, and social aspects. Integrity: Comply with current legislation, respecting customers, employees, and partners. Pride of being Committed: Being a company in which employees feel proud to work.
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