What does Monsertec Engenharia Ltda do?
Monsertec started its activities in 1997 in the area of maintenance and assembly focused on the Chemical, Petrochemical, Cellulose and Oil industries. Operating throughout the national territory, Monsertec combines the technical knowledge and experience of its members with excellence in the execution of multidisciplinary services under different levels of complexity. Mission: Make a difference in the provision of multidisciplinary services ensuring quality, availability, safety and satisfaction. Vision: To be nationally recognized for its ability to add integrated solutions and value to customers. Values: Ethical behavior and transparency in relationships with stakeholders – customers, suppliers, community, employees and shareholders. Quality Policy: Satisfy the expectations of shareholders, customers and members; Promote the professional development of our members; Appreciate the good relationship with suppliers and the local community; Comply with applicable laws, statutory and contractual requirements related to quality, safety, health and the environment; Continuously improve the effectiveness of the integrated management system by improving its processes. Revision 2, 06/06/2019.
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