What does Omel Bombas e Compressores Ltda do?
OMEL Bombas e Compressores is a genuinely Brazilian company, founded in 1952, and a pioneer in the field of pumping and fluid control technology. OMEL designs and manufactures a complete line of equipment that includes blowers, vacuum pumps, centrifugal pumps, metering pumps, rotameters, valves and special systems. Our solutions, many of them personalized, meet the needs of the most different applications in the main industrial segments of the market with quality and reliability. History: The experience acquired over more than 60 years of existence and global operations have led OMEL to occupy a prominent position as one of the world leaders in its segment. Modern industrial park: OMEL has its own headquarters located in the city of Guarulhos/SP. The factory occupies a large plot of land and built area with large installed power and hydraulic capacity for complete testing of equipment, meeting the needs of elaboration and testing of its products aiming at the highest quality for its customers.
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