What does Aignep do Brasil Industria e Comercio de Componentes Para Automacao Ltda do?
The strength of a GroupAignep was born in 1976 in Bione (in the province of Brescia) as a supplier of thermo-sanitary connections, taking advantage of the presence of an industrial district specializing in taps and valves. Today the company produces a full range of private label products in the FluidPower sector. Quality and innovation are the pillars of Aignep: all production is done in Italy and distributed around the world. The only exception are some products for the North American market that must follow regional regulations and standards and are customized in the American subsidiary, Aignep USA. Aignep is part of the Bugatti Group, born in 1923 and formed by companies in various sectors: equipment for domestic use (Casa Bugatti), lighting products (Landa), Transfers, machining centers and other production machines (Picchi) and in Fluidpower segment (Aignep).
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