What does SERTEC S.R.L. do?
At SERTEC S.R.L we provide our customers with electro-atmospheric discharge protection systems and industrial electromechanical technical service; We have a history of more than 16 years in the national and international market. We are committed to the full satisfaction of our customers, exceeding their most demanding needs and expectations in terms of agility, accuracy and courtesy; through innovation, the work of our trained collaborators and respect for the environment, including production from recycled raw material. Our work is based on the quality of our products and services generating the least possible environmental impact through the efficient use of available natural resources; preventing pollution, compliance with the legal requirements of the client and our own organization and in the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Integral Management System based on ISO 9001 and 14001 standards. Our vision is to become the leading national and international company in protection systems against electro-atmospheric discharges, electromechanical engineering solutions with a highly qualified technical service, using cutting-edge technology.
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