What does DN Construcción Arquitectónica, S.A. de C.V. do?
The Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC) is the institution in charge of representing, supporting and strengthening the country's construction companies, through management, advice, training, professional training and integration of new technologies. It currently has around 9 thousand affiliated companies, in 44 delegations, 18 representative offices and 10 customer service offices, throughout the Mexican Republic; In addition to being present in the most important sectors of the country through its vice presidencies, which work in a coordinated manner with public and private entities; being by law a body of consultation and collaboration before the three levels of Government. In order to promote the business growth of its members, it established the Construction Industry Training Institute (ICIC), the only one in Latin America with on-the-job training programs, which are implemented directly on the construction site; created the Construction Technology Institute (ITC), specialized in the training of professionals in the construction industry; and later established the Construction Industry Foundation (FIC), which channels and promotes mega trends in technology, certifies companies in management systems in ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 standards.
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