What does Marathon Eléctrica de Puebla, S.A. de C.V. do?
Born in 1990 in the city of Puebla. With the passage of time we became one of the most important distributors throughout Mexico in the sale of structured cables, optical fibers and accessories nationwide.The excellent relationship with our national and international suppliers places us as leaders in the market of distribution, sales and consulting of the industrial field offering a wide range and the highest technology in structured cables, optical fibers, ICT products, measuring equipment, systems channeling and protection, among other 19,000 items.Our perseverance, passion and discipline have given Marathon Group an excellent reputation in different industrial fields, allowing participation in different industrial sectors The great competitive advantage of Marathon Group is to understand and offer solutions to the needs of our customers, regardless of the branch in which they are developed. Where we combine knowledge, professionalism, experience and human warmth. Resulting in an exceptional treatment that goes beyond logistics solutions and a great after-sales service.Our main objective is and will be to maximize the values and benefits of our clients. Providing a complete and comprehensive service where you can find everything in one place, at your fingertips and with the most competitive prices. Mission To satisfy the needs of supply of electrical material, national and international cables, with a high standard of service, quality and price to the Mexican industry. Vision Being a nationally recognized company for the high quality value in specialized products of the electrical and ICT area, always looking for the best service to our customers, based on our values.
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