What does MB Agro - Consultoria e Assessoria em Agronomia Sociedade Simples do?
Since 1978, MB Associados has provided consulting services in the areas of macroeconomic and sector analysis and in the preparation of short and long term economic scenarios for large companies, banks and Brazilian associations. Founded by José Roberto Mendonça de Barros and Luiz Carlos Mendonça de Barros, MB Associados brought new paths for the entrepreneur and consolidated as a supplier of studies indispensable for making day-to-day decisions. Currently, it continues to provide important support to its clients in the area of macroeconomic analysis, with attention to political influences, and attentive to the variables of the Brazilian and international economy. Agribusiness has always played a prominent role in the performance of MB Associados. With a growing interest in this important sector of the economy, MB Agro, an independent consulting firm founded by Alexandre Mendonça de Barros and José Carlos Hausknecht, was fully focused on the monitoring of the agricultural situation in 2005.
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