What does Prime do Brasil Importacao Exportacao Industria e Comercio de Produtos Quimicos Ltda do?
What can we do to solidify ourselves as one of the main suppliers of raw materials in the country? The daily search for this answer is part of the routine of each of our employees who understand the importance of growing without losing commitment to quality and credibility. It was with this thought that Prime do Brasil became one of the biggest references in the hygiene, packaging, pet care and textile market. Achieving this level of excellence requires a series of strategic actions. Among the most important, the highlight is operating in partnership with the best raw material manufacturers in the world. It is these trusting relationships, built over more than a decade, that guarantee the quality and peace of mind of our customers. But having the best inputs is not synonymous with successful operations. It is necessary to have a qualified team to understand each situation and provide the best solutions applied specifically to the client. During our service, we offer specialized technical support to ensure maximum quality in the production of each item. Without a guaranteed result, our work is not complete. Therefore, we have highly qualified professionals in each of our units: Balneário de Piçarras (SC), Santo André (SP) and at the base in Shanghai, China. Prime of Brazil. Anyone who knows, understands the quality. Quality, experience & credibility: These are the pillars that have made Prime do Brasil a reference in the market for over 10 years. Mission: Add value to our customers, providing high quality products and differentiated service. Vision: To be a leader in the supply of raw materials for the textile, packaging and disposable hygiene products segments. Values: - Commitment - - Integrity - - Respect - - Innovation - THE BEST SUPPLIERS IN THE WORLD
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