What does Prati Donaduzzi & Cia Ltda do?
The story of Prati-Donaduzzi began much farther than Toledo, Paraná, where our facilities are currently located. After completing their doctorate in France, pharmacists Carmen and Luiz Donaduzzi returned to Brazil to the city of Recife, Pernambuco, in search of opportunities in the field of bioscience research. Upon their return, they encountered a country with a struggling economy, and their plans to follow through in the field of research were slowly coming undone. This set the stage for the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey. Although they possessed plenty of knowledge and willpower, their beginnings were humble, and they began making teas and simple solutions at home. Among them was sodium hypochlorite, used in great quantities as a water disinfectant at a time when cholera ravaged the northeast of the country. Despite hardships and lack of resources, they persisted. In 1993, during a family visit to Santa Helena, located in western Paraná, Luiz Donaduzzi came upon a state-sponsored program, Bom Emprego, which offered special conditions for entrepreneurs. At that moment, his dream of being part of the pharmaceutical industry seemed closer than ever, and so he decided to form a partnership with his brother, Arno Donaduzzi, and his brother-in-law, Celso Prati. When the first warehouse was built and the first deals with collaborators were struck, a new era had begun. In 1999, a law pertaining to generic medications was passed and it created many opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry in Brazil. The judgment required to discern which opportunities were best, coupled with financial planning geared towards growth made it possible for Prati-Donaduzzi to take its first steps toward that market. Today, the company manufactures the most-consumed generic pharmaceutical product in Brazil and is the biggest pharmaceutical supplier of the Brazilian government. With a production capacity of 12 billion therapeutic doses annually, Prati-Donaduzzi possesses modern research facilities, innovation development, and a proprietary logistics system. The advances which have been achieved were only made possible through the following factors: personnel development, investment in technology, rigorous quality control, and incentives towards innovation. As a result of vertical growth, Group Prati-Donaduzzi is currently comprised of the following companies: Centralpack Packaging Industry, Transportadora Transportation, NDS Distribution, and Specialità Fine Chemicals.
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