What does P.Q.A. Produtos Quimicos Aracruz SA do?
ABOUT US: PQA - PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS ARACRUZ LTDA, acting since 1999 in providing services, with agile and intelligent solutions, according to the need of each client, distributing throughout Brazil, a line of high quality chemicals, through a logistics structured and agile, with strategically located deposits and bases. MISSION: Provide services and create innovative solutions for customers, suppliers and consumers of chemical and petrochemical products, adding value, contributing to sustainable growth and with social and environmental responsibility. VIEW: Be the leading company, renowned for the quality of products, and recognized for the services provided. BUSINESS: Our business is to identify, serve and maintain customers who use chemical or petrochemical products in their production chain. It is part of our business to provide services with agility, competence and quality that ensure customer satisfaction and the appropriate return of services performed. POLICIES: Meet customer expectations and needs through the marketing, distribution, storage and transportation of reliable chemicals and petrochemicals, within the deadlines, quantities and contracted requirements. Imbued with these purposes, the organization will guide its actions: - In the alignment and proactive relationship with selected suppliers seeking partnerships capable of sustaining the demands generated by our clients; - Continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system; - In the training and development of our human resources; - In the systematic monitoring of the health and safety conditions of our employees, and - Responsible attitude towards the community and the environment. SEGMENTS IN WHICH WE ACT: - Agribusiness - Food - Drinks - Curtains - Cosmetics - Energy - Oil Exploration and Refining - Pharmaceutical - Hygiene and cleaning - Chemical industry - Mining - Animal nutrition - Paper And Cellulose - Siderurgy - Sucroalcool - Water and Effluent Treatment - Vet WE OFFER THE BEST SOLUTION FOR YOU: AVAILABILITYInventory always close to your company QUALITYQuality assured products AGILITYScheduled Fast Delivery PRICEFair and competitive prices
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