What does Nxtview, S.A. de C.V. do?
Since 2008 we have been working in the energy sector for the main private energy generators, qualified users and government agencies. We manage comprehensive measurement projects; coordination of suppliers, off takers, CFE distribution and Transmission, from the acquisition of the meters to the communication of the same. WE DO INTEGRAL ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT PROJECTS WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL ENERGY SECTOR Placeholder 01. ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES Design, supply, installation and maintenance of electrical adaptations under national regulations. Placeholder 02. COMMUNICATION OF METERS Design, supply, installation and maintenance of communication between the meter and CFE nationwide. Placeholder 03. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT Supply of specialized measuring equipment for medium and high voltage with distribution nationwide. Placeholder 04. GENERATION ON SITE Installation of photovoltaic systems to maximize savings, decrease rate risk and meet sustainable objectives.
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