What does Injeflex Industria e Comercio de Dispositivos e Produtos Medicos Ltda do?
With more than 30 years of experience and 45 million IUDs produced, Injeflex offers the most modern technology worldwide. With more than 30 years of experience and 45 million IUDs produced, Injeflex offers the most modern technology worldwide. As the only IUD manufacturer in Brazil, Injeflex follows all international quality standards, which can be easily observed. The plastic parts used in the products are tested many times ensuring that there is total inertia when in contact with the human body. The cylinders and copper wires used in the production are made of copper with 99.99% purity. The factory is equipped with the exclusive air conditioning and filtration system, with 20 air changes per hour, and an environmental microbial control system, which monitors fungi and bacteria in the critical areas of the production process. In compliance with international standards, Injeflex has EN ISO 13485: 2012, ISO 9001: 2008, CE-EC Certificate - Full Quality assurance System - EC Design - Examination Certificate, Good Manufacturing Practices and Control of Health Products ANVISA , assurance of the highest level in manufacturing quality management. Main benefits: - Criteria and uniform evaluation of suppliers - Integration of all sectors of the company - Continuous process of obtaining quality gains - Better use of existing resources (no waste) - Credibility and recognition of consumers and medical class
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