Associação Antônio Vieira (ASAV) is the maintainer of 21 units in Brazil. They are educational institutions and social assistance entities, among which the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (São Leopoldo and Porto Alegre / RS) and the colleges Anchieta (Porto Alegre / RS), Catarinense (Florianópolis / SC), Medianeira ( Curitiba / PR) and the Padre Arrupe School (Teresina / PI). Guided by the Jesuit precepts, the five educational institutions add up to approximately 45 thousand students. ASAV also provides assistance to projects in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Amazonas and Pará.
Founded on November 4, 1899, it is a non-profit entity, linked to the Companhia de Jesus, and acts as one of the civilian sides of the Jesuit Province of Brazil, with the purpose of promoting and developing education, as well as spreading of Christian faith and ethics.
Associação Antônio Vieira - ASAV is a non-profit, philanthropic private institution, of an educational, cultural, social and charitable nature, with a Certificate of Social Assistance Charity - CEBAS, in the areas of education and social assistance. In the area of education, it develops the Educational and Academic Inclusion Program - PIEA, offering scholarships and complementary benefits, for basic and higher education levels, guaranteeing access, permanence and completion. In the area of social assistance, it develops services, programs and projects in the categories of assistance, advice, defense and guarantee of rights, in accordance with Article 3 of the Organic Law on Social Assistance. ASAV acts in compliance with the legislation in force through Law No. 12,101 / 2009, Law No. 12,868 / 2013, Decree No. 8,242 / 2014 and Normative Ordinance MEC No. 15/2017. Click here and learn more about the importance of philanthropy for the country.