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Global Telecomunication Group, S.A. de C.V. logo

Global Telecomunication Group, S.A. de C.V.


México, Ciudad De México, Mexico2002
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Company founded in 2002 in the city of Puebla, Puebla, with certified personnel with more than 10 years of experience in the field. Since 2002, it has provided its clients with preventive / corrective maintenance services for communication equipment in its data network. Global Telecommunication Group is a company that has the experience, technical resources and service commitment to offer its clients the most advanced technology and support them in their adoption and maximum use. Global Telecommunication Group's market position gives it the ability to comprehensively meet the needs of your company, acting as a consultant in systems integration, as well as a provider of solutions of the highest level. Mission Help the client to improve their productivity and efficiency safely through information technologies. Vision Being a company with international coverage maintaining the same levels of service through certified processes. Comprehensive Policy At GTG we market, install and configure information security solutions, connectivity, convergence solutions, comprehensive data storage and monitoring services. We are committed to meeting the needs of our clients, as well as the applicable and regulatory requirements related to the quality and security of information. Through our trained staff and the improvement of our comprehensive management system, the purpose is to help the client to improve their productivity and efficiency safely through information technologies.
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Guerra González, Roberto


Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico2000
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