

Conserto de máquinas e equipamentos industriais
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Conserto de máquinas e equipamentos industriais


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Principais Empresas de Conserto De Máquinas E Equipamentos Industriais

10,000+ Empresas

Chalison, S.A. de C.V. logo

Chalison, S.A. de C.V.

Monterrey, Nuevo León, México2012
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Empresa fundada el 10 de Enero del 2012 en el estado de Nuevo León, con la finalidad de proveer el servicio de mantenimiento general de equipos de montacargas, patines hidráulicos, plataformas de trabajo, instalación y mantenimiento de cortinas metálicas eléctricas y manuales, rampas para zonas de carga y descarga, electricidad de baja y alta tención venta de herramienta mecánica, eléctrica y neumática de las mejores marcas y refacciones a la industria en general. Contamos con el servicio de Venta, Renta, Mantenimientos Preventivos o Correctivos ,pólizas de mtto a bancos de baterías y cargadores, y Refacciones en General de Montacargas y cargadores. Nuestro objetivo es ser parte integral de nuestros clientes, para que con nuestro servicio sea un beneficio para el continuo desarrollo de sus empresas. Contamos con personal competente, con la experiencia y los conocimientos adecuados para prestar un servicio de calidad. Nuestra mayor preocupación en todo momento es la de prestar un servicio que satisfaga las necesidades de nuestros clientes en el menor tiempo posible. MISIÓN Ofrecer Servicios y Refacciones de calidad para nuestros clientes como la mejor solución de sus necesidades de mantenimiento de equipos de carga, dando ventaja competitiva y agregando valor constante en los servicios y Asesorando a nuestros clientes en la prevención y corrección de las fallas o eventualidades que tengan. VISIÓN Ser la compañía líder en servicios integrales de mantenimiento industria en equipos de carga y accesos, ampliamente comprometida con sus clientes, con los accionistas, y con la sociedad ,con soluciones prácticas y eficientes.
Enprotech Industrial, S. de R.L. de C.V. logo

Enprotech Industrial, S. de R.L. de C.V.


Arteaga, Coahuila De Zaragoza, México2010
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Enprotech Industrial Technologies Inc. has over 60 years of designing, manufacturing and repairing manufacturing equipment for the steel manufacturing and aluminum manufacturing industries. Our expertise with precision steel processing machinery repair starts at the coke ovens and flows through to the finishing mills. Our modern facilities in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky allow us to respond in a timely manner and at cost competitive rates. We offer engineered solutions for enhancing our customers’ operating practices. We also have global partnerships that allow comprehensive support for modernizing out dated steel manufacturing equipment. Do not hesitate to let us know your full steel process equipment needs. We can assist on a global scale. The 21st century has brought dramatic changes to the steel-making industry and Enprotech has evolved in response so that we can effectively meet the needs of our customers in a competitive global market. The result is a “one-stop” resource for innovative steel manufacturing industry solutions. As a leader in providing consumables, engineering, manufacturing and equipment repair to the steel manufacturing and metal forming industries, Enprotech is on the forefront of technological solutions for the global market. All employees are dedicated to delivering products that meet our high standards of quality. We continue to work with our customers to improve manufacturing cost, product, quality and overall employee safety.
Services and Computers CNS, S.A. de C.V. logo

Services and Computers CNS, S.A. de C.V.


Naucalpan De Juárez, Estado De México, México2014
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
ABOUT US Services and Computers CNS, S.A. de C.V., we are a company with a solid track record and vast experience in the provision of installation and maintenance services for computer and communications equipment. GOAL Provide managed infrastructure solutions, offering our clients a single point of contact and responsibility for all their IT needs. Likewise, we have a robust infrastructure in which we use human, material and technological resources to carry out all the needs for your company. Value Proposals - Comprehensive IT Solutions - National coverage - Technological infrastructure - Certified Engineering - Continuous Training - Cost-Benefit Goodwill - Management by SLA - Total Cost of Ownership TCO - Our Coverage The service is provided to more than 250 localities in the country, from a direct coverage of one or more Service Engineers, strategically positioned in 114 cities. S&C does not outsource, all human resources are part of our great work team. International coverage S&C has a presence in 6 Latin American countries. Guatemala The Savior Costa Rica Panama Chile What broadens our value proposition, giving International coverage to Our Services.
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