Equipo medico y para hospitales
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Equipo médico y de hospital
Equipo medico y para hospitales
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Principales Empresas de Equipo Medico Y Para Hospitales
10,000+ Empresas
Localmed Comercio e Locacao de Equipamentos Ltda
São José, Santa Catarina, Brasil2010
Imex Medical Group do Brasil is considered the largest national company and one of the largest manufacturers and distributors in Latin America in the segment of equipment and services for imaging diagnostics in the health sector.
Keeping its focus on innovation and technology, Imex Medical Group do Brasil meets the most varied needs of the healthcare market through its three areas of activity: distribution, manufacturing and specialized technical assistance.
Through market intelligence, focused on studying the needs of our customers, we ensure the complete solution through a diversified portfolio and excellence in service delivery.
Currently the group has a team of over 300 trained professionals and a structure designed to serve its more than 10,000 clients throughout Brazil. Its headquarters, located in Greater Florianópolis in Santa Catarina, has 6,000m² of built area with special bonded warehouse audited by the federal revenue and certifications (ISO 9001: 2015 and BPF / ANVISA) that guarantee agility, security and commitment in providing differentiated services to our clients.
To offer products and services with the highest quality, best technology and market innovation is the challenge of Imex Medical Group do Brasil, always seeking to bring to the national market the best solutions in the health sector.
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