gob.mx is the platform that promotes innovation in government, promotes efficiency, and transforms processes to provide information, procedures and a platform for participation by the population.
In this portal you can consult and perform procedures quickly and efficiently, without the need to stand in line and waste your time, from your computer, mobile or tablet.
In addition, we simplify the necessary requirements so that you can obtain all the information you require about the government, in a single point.
Finally, we enable innovative digital media so that you can participate and collaborate in decision making and build better public policies together.
As a government, we have an obligation to evolve the way in which our institutions operate, adapting to the growing expectations of society and responding efficiently to their demands; gob.mx is the rethinking of the citizen-government relationship.
Gob.mx is an initiative headed by the National Digital Strategy Coordination of the Presidency of the Republic and the Digital Government Unit of the Ministry of Public Function, in collaboration with all Federal Public Administration agencies, in order to provide citizens an integrated, close and modern government.