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Sociedade Fogas Ltda logo

Sociedade Fogas Ltda

Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil1970
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Pioneering and innovation have always marked the history of Fogas. Its founders, brothers Samuel, Israel and Saul Benchimol, identified a business opportunity in the LP Gas distribution segment and founded Fogás on August 20, 1956 in Manaus, being one of the first companies to distribute cooking gas in Brazil . Since then, the company has invested heavily in technology, management and innovation, transforming itself into a generator of new business through its resellers. The founders' entrepreneurial vision allowed the company to always seek innovation and sustainable expansion of its business. On September 4, 1970, Fogás opened the first branch in Porto Velho / RO. On September 13, 1977 he inaugurated the second Fogás branch in Rio Branco / AC. The third was inaugurated in Boa Vista / RR on June 23, 1995. The fourth was in Santarém / PA, June 14, 2002. On March 11, 2018, the distribution base was inaugurated in Macapá. Today, Fogás operates in all these states, with the latest technology and qualified people to have high quality products throughout the North. Soon, the company will once again expand and operate in the state of Mato Grosso. The main products are the cylinders of 2kg, 5kg, 8kg, 13kg, 20kg and 45kg, in addition to the bulk supply in gas stations in tanks from 125Kg up to 20,000Kg. Bulk LPG: Fogás was also a pioneer in the distribution of bulk gas, performing its first supply on February 13, 1996, being the second company in Brazil to adopt this type of supply of LP Gas, in a clear demonstration that new technologies and innovations were part of the company's backbone. The bulk supply system serves new large-scale consumption niches, in the service, commercial, industrial and residential segments, in a much more practical and safe way.
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Amazongas Distrib de Gas Liquef de Petroleo Ltda

Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil1985
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