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Top Fluid Meters And Counting Devices Companies

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Alutal Controles Industriais Ltda logo

Alutal Controles Industriais Ltda


Votorantim, São Paulo, Brazil2004
D-U-N-S® Registered™
Pioneering spirit, innovation, and dedication capable of turning dreams into reality are the basis of Alutal's history, which began in 1994 when its founding partner, Antonio Franciulli, started its activities in a small temperature sensor factory, located in the interior of São Paulo in the city of Sorocaba. With the Red Ceramics Industries market as its initial job niche, Alutal established itself after a few years as the market leader for Temperature Measurement and Control Equipment within this segment. Attaching to its line other products besides temperature sensors, such as Metal Detectors, supervisory via PC for Furnace Control, Humidity Controllers for Dryers, among others, Alutal contributed significantly to a technological leap within the Control and Measurement in these types of Industries. After a few years of its foundation, Alutal started its activities in the Industrial Thermometry market, adapting its facilities and projects to this new challenge. In 2006, the company starts exporting its products regularly to countries all over the world, such as Bolivia, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, South Africa, Colombia, Italy and the USA. To meet its growing demand, there was also the creation of its own laboratory for Thermocouple Analysis and Calibrations. Its Quality in the Final Product and commitment to customer service have always been its trademark, since the beginning of its activities. Having its Quality Management System certified by the International Standard ISO-9001: 2008, Alutal throughout these years has been constantly renewing its commitment to the improvement of Continuous Quality. Alutal is the market leader in thermometry and one of the most remembered brands in the main segments in which its products operate. International Reference, we prepare ourselves daily to take larger flights. We understand that our mission is to work to ensure that our products can improve efficiency and reduce costs in the chain where they will be applied, thus making our customers' products better and more accessible to the market as a whole, thus making, our better world.
Kei-Tek Sistemas de Automacao Industrial Ltda logo

Kei-Tek Sistemas de Automacao Industrial Ltda


São Bernardo Do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil2008
D-U-N-S® Registered™
KTSA's history begins in March 2008, when three engineers with extensive automation experience decided to found the company. Initially the idea was born because of the growing need of the market for more automated systems, so out of necessity and opportunity, KTSA was founded. KTSA was created to fill the market's need for automation services and as a tool to maximize the sale of systems and panels. Currently KTSA acts in a competent and responsible manner in the national and international market, providing world class systems, products and services for automation in the most diverse segments, applying the most modern and reliable technologies, products and practices available in the world market, always focused. improving the production processes of its customers. Counting on highly qualified and experienced professionals, and acting on the most modern concepts of productivity and quality, KTSA occupies an area where the Assembly, Engineering / Projects, Technical Assistance, Administrative / Financial and Commercial sectors are distributed. KTSA offers the best cost-effective solutions for automation systems your business needs. We have a team that specializes in PLC, HMI, industrial networking and supervisory software. We also have the electrical panel division responsible from the development of the electrical project to the assembly of the control, control, distribution or low voltage MCC panels. KTSA expertise is available for models that require the safety of the most current, reliable and efficient alternatives in the industry. We are an ISO 9001: 2008 certified company.
Samrello Automacao Industrial Ltda logo

Samrello Automacao Industrial Ltda

Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil1998
D-U-N-S® Registered™
A Samrello produz soluções nas áreas de controle, medição e automação dos processos industriais, através da fabricação de instrumentos como controladores de temperatura e processos, contadores, amperímetros e voltímetros, indicadores de grandezas, frequencímetros digitais, relés falta de fase, estado sólido, proteção térmica e de tempo, transmissores e conversores, fontes de alimentação, chaveadas, lineares e variáveis. Além da instrumentação, a empresa produz soluções diversificadas em sensores de temperatura, disponibilizando diversos modelos de termopares e termoresistências, sempre atenta às necessidades dos seus clientes, produzindo soluções personalizadas como eletrodos de nível, poços de proteção e dissipadores. Fundada em 1° de novembro de 1987, a atividade inicial da Samrello era voltada para consertos e manutenção industrial. Com o passar do tempo, a empresa enxergou uma demanda específica do mercado local em produzir a instrumentação que, na época, era de difícil aquisição, mudando seu foco para o desenvolvimento e produção destes equipamentos. Quando foi criada, a empresa contava com apenas dois funcionários, atualmente, apresenta um quadro com mais de 50 colaboradores, e desenvolve soluções para medição e controle de processos industriais, produzindo instrumentação com ampla aplicação em vários segmentos da indústria, como indústria têxtil, alimentícia, metal-mecânica, cerâmica, eletroeletrônica, plástica, entre outras.
Napro Eletronica Industrial Ltda logo

Napro Eletronica Industrial Ltda

São Bernardo Do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil1987
D-U-N-S® Registered™
Especializados na área automobilística, especialmente em equipamentos para as montadoras e reparadores.
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