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Top Mechanical Engineering Companies

421 Companies

Instalaciones Mecánicas Salgado, S.A. de C.V. logo

Instalaciones Mecánicas Salgado, S.A. de C.V.


Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico1997
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
We are a company established since 1997 that has the following profile: MISSION Our mission is to provide comprehensive solutions for fluid mechanics systems for the country's business sector, offering world-class services in Design, Supply, Construction and Maintenance, exercising responsible social, ethical, technical and environmental performance. VIEW Our vision is to become the best option to meet the requirements of fluid mechanics systems in the country's business sector, constantly updating our processes, techniques and work resources, in a respectful, healthy and responsible environment. PHOLOSOPHY IMS business management is based on our philosophy of "IMS Respect" *, which we apply in all interpersonal relationships with our clients, collaborators, in all business lines (design, supply, construction and maintenance) and in all areas (technical, economic, social and environmental) * The philosophy of "IMS Respect" implies total respect and applies to all company relationships, for example in the relationship with its employees, this implies respect for their rights, their heritage, decisions, their religion, to their sexual preferences to their freedom of expression and association etc. The relationship with our clients is also applied, which implies respect for their policies, respect for their regulations, respect for their economic interests, respect for their facilities, respect for their decisions (even if we are affected by them) or in our relationship with them. environment, which implies respect for fauna, respect for flora, respect for land, respect for water, respect for air, respect for environmental regulations, etc.
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Aguilar Pérez, Matilde Gladys


Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz De Ignacio De La Llave, Mexico1998
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