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Asociación de Normalización y Certificación, A.C. logo

Asociación de Normalización y Certificación, A.C.


México, Ciudad De México, Mexico1992
Founded in 1992 by a group of businessmen, interested in collaborating with the legality and safety of the products, they created a private non-profit institution to provide support in product certification for the electricity sector. Seeking to meet the needs of various sectors, we develop standards and regulations by increasing our range of services, so that a greater number of industries would benefit from standardization and conformity assessment activities. Our leadership in certification, inspection, verification, management systems, laboratory tests and training, made us add value to the business actions of our clients, which together we perfected with continuous improvement. We are currently located in three important regions, Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara, serving each of the needs, not only of the country, but internationally. Through our representative offices located in Mérida, Tijuana, Washington, D.C. and China, we support the processes and operations of our clients, in a more agile way. ANCE is a non-profit civil association, which composes its assets by the contributions received from its associates and the services it provides such as certification, inspection, verification, standardization, management systems, laboratory tests, training, calibration and testing of fitness.
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