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Top Gray And Ductile Iron Foundries Companies

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Fundicao Alca Ltda logo

Fundicao Alca Ltda

Nova Petrópolis, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil1975
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Fundição Alca was founded in 1975 with the objective of producing pulleys and plates for stoves. From then on, through the development of new technologies, combined with experience, the market expanded by offering a high quality product. The company started with just three employees. Always attentive to new technologies and with the experience acquired over the years, the company has become a reference in the sector. It currently has 100 employees and ranks third in the ranking of the largest companies in Nova Petrópolis. Today, Alca produces a wide range of cast irons and serves the agricultural, food, automotive, wind turbines, machinery and equipment, electric motors, oil and gas, sanitation, among others. Located in Pinhal Alto, the company has a strong bond with the community. Through partnerships with entities and support for initiatives aimed at the common good, FTAA assists in the growth and development of the local economy. Employee improvement, well-being and safety are also constant concerns. To this end, Alca provides assistance to employees seeking knowledge and improvement in the field. It also holds an accident prevention week annually, with lectures focused on the area. Alca also has a Quality Management System certified in accordance with the NBR ISO 9001 standard, ensuring control of all stages of the process and guaranteeing the supply of high quality products. Care for the environment is also a topic of attention for the company. Therefore, as of the second half of 2012, FTAA conducts internal awareness campaigns on the subject. In addition, the company recycles a large amount of steel monthly, uses technologies to reduce waste and conforms to current environmental laws.
Fundicao Sideral Ltda logo

Fundicao Sideral Ltda

Itaúna, Minas Gerais, Brazil1987
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Sideral Group operates in the cast and pig iron markets. It has established a solid relationship with several prestigious customers in national and international scenarios, proving its competence and professionalism. The success in serving global companies is due to the consolidated experience since 1987, coupled with business ethics and market positioning focused entirely on the customer. Sideral Group's production capacity is currently set at 6,000 tonnes / month for pig iron and 7,500 tonnes / month for cast iron. The training of a motivated team and the commitment to the preservation of the environment and safety and its employees complement the strategic bases, making Sideral Group a solid, reliable and diversified company. VALUES: Customer: Excellence in quality and punctuality of products and services. Ethics: Integrity and transparency, generating reliability and security. Teamwork: Team valued, motivated and focused on results. Innovation: Processes aimed at competitiveness and continuous improvement. Sustainability: Social and environmental responsibility with all the agents involved. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICY: To maintain a safe and healthy working environment, taking into account the legal requirements applicable to its processes and acting preventively against accidents and near accidents, thus ensuring the well-being and safety of its employees and service providers. MISSION: Sideral is a foundry and ironmaking group focused on the manufacturing of castings, machining and pig iron based on ethics, teamwork, innovation and sustainability. Our strategy is to add value to customers, employees, suppliers and society. VISION: To be the best foundry in the supply of counterweights, technical and machined parts as well as to be among the 5 largest foundries in Brazil until 2025. To be the best iron maker in sustainability and flexibility until 2030. QUALITY POLICY: To satisfy Sideral’s customer, meet the requirements - providing safe solutions in iron castings for parts and components of basic industry, agricultural and construction - and continuously improve the Quality Management System.
Igna Ltda logo

Igna Ltda

Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil1971
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Fundada em 1971, a BR Matozinhos Fundições tem ampla experiência no fornecimento dos mais variados tipos de peças em ferro fundido cinzento e nodular, contando ainda com a opção da entrega de produtos acabados.Elevado conhecimento e capacitação técnica, agilidade, flexibilidade em desenvolvimento de novos produtos e respeito a rígidos padrões de qualidade internacionais, compõem o diferencial da BR Matozinhos, buscando a excelência através do aperfeiçoamento contínuo e oferecendo soluções de melhorias nos processos e produtos, sempre em parceria com os clientes.Atuando por longa data no fornecimento de fundidos para os mais diversos mercados tais como energia eólica, construção, mineração, agricultura, siderurgia e industrial, a BR Matozinhos sempre busca superar desafios e alcançar resultados através do expertise de seus colaboradores.A empresa está localizada na cidade de Matozinhos, estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, a cerca de 50 km de Belo Horizonte e 25 minutos do Aeroporto Internacional de Tancredo Neves. Missão: Atender a necessidade de nossos clientes, desenvolvendo produtos e serviços diferenciados, que contribuam para o desenvolvimento da indústria, gerando valor de forma sustentável para nossos acionistas, clientes, colaboradores e a comunidade onde estamos inseridos. Visão: Ser empresa de referência no fornecimento de fundidos brutos e acabados, pela qualidade, excelência operacional, pelo desenvolvimento e comprometimento de nossa equipe de profissionais. Politica de Qualidade: A BR Matozinhos adota como Política da Qualidade: “Fornecer peças de ferro fundido cinzento e nodular, brutas ou usinadas e serviços de pintura em geral que satisfaçam as necessidades e expectativas de seus clientes, buscando fortalecer as relações, garantindo a permanência dos negócios atuais e gerando novas oportunidades. Para tanto, a BR Matozinhos busca melhorias constantes em seus processos, através do aprimoramento de seus colaboradores e fornecedores, atingindo de forma sustentável as metas estabelecidas.” A política da qualidade da BR Matozinhos foi definida de acordo com as diretrizes estratégicas da empresa e está alinhada com os objetivos e metas da qualidade, focando o atendimento aos requisitos acordados com os clientes e sendo sua adequação analisada criticamente. Para tanto, ela comunica sua política a todos os níveis hierárquicos da empresa, estendendo-a aos seus fornecedores que atuam dentro da planta, de modo a promover sua constante melhoria. Valores: - Respeito ao meio ambiente - Propositividade - Melhoria contínua, Inovação e Superação - Disciplina - Respeito às pessoas - Responsabilidade Social - Integridade - Excelência operacional e Administrativa - Respeito às leis e normas em vigor