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Highway and street construction, nec


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Top Highway And Street Construction, Nec Companies

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Cosampa Construcoes Ltda logo

Cosampa Construcoes Ltda


Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil1999
D‑U‑N‑S® Registered™
Criada em 1999, a Cosampa Projetos e Construções Ltda tem conquistado espaço no mercado cearense através da prestação de serviços com qualidade nas áreas de Construção Civil, Engenharia Elétrica, elaboração de projetos. O ponto de partida se deu com o programa Luz no Campo, desenvolvido pela Companhia Energética do Ceará (Coelce), que abriu as portas da companhia para a execução de outros serviços em manutenção de redes elétricas, atendimento emergencial e construção de sistema de redes de distribuição de energia. Nos idos de 2002, o setor de Construção Civil entra no escopo de atividades da empresa através da construção de edificações, de construção pesada, obras de saneamento, terraplenagem, calçamento, pavimentação e obras de urbanização em geral. Outro mercado promissor em que a Cosampa Projetos e Construções está presente é o de energias renováveis, atuando na construção e na manutenção de usinas de energia eólica e usinas solares comerciais. Além disso, nossa equipe é treinada e capacitada para elaborar projetos em diversas áreas, baseada na experiência adquirida ao longo dos seus 13 anos de existência. Presente em diversos municípios do estado do Ceará, o objetivo da Cosampa é realizar projetos que melhoram a vida da população, levar desenvolvimento às áreas mais longínquas e tornar-se uma empresa de atuação nacional.
CSS Construtora SA logo

CSS Construtora SA

Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil2015
Build quality works that transform the future of society. Comply with all the commitments, with price, term and quality valuing the team and trust in relationships. Respect the customer and the market. That is our goal. There are three decades accumulating know-how through the execution of important works for the public and private sectors in the main regions of the country. The company has a strong presence in public buildings, hospital works, sanitation, plumbing, urban infrastructure works, road works (implantation, duplication, restoration and maintenance). It was consolidated in the hospital segment planning and executing several works in the States of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Espírito Santo and Rio Grande do Sul. In order to fully support the constant demand of clients in this segment, the company also provides hospital, encompassing special installations such as, electric and hydro-sanitary, medical gases, elevators, among others. They are more than 300 thousand m² in works and services delivered and in execution. In the road segment, TRATENGE participated in the construction of important stretches of highways in several states of the country, counting on a modern equipment park. We also execute BRT (BUS RAPID TRANSIT) projects, a system that is part of the Urban Mobility Plan of Belo Horizonte and that established interventions and guidelines for the transportation and transit of the capital of Minas Gerais. TRATENGE has the most advanced management tools for agility in decisions and total fidelity to strategic planning, which, through management analysis and financial economic performance, guarantee to customers and employees the company's sustainable growth. Always investing in technology, TRATENGE has been using the integrated management system of SAP®, a German company, leader in the corporate software segment since October 2011, with around 86 thousand customers worldwide, most of which are medium and large companies. large. Moved by an enterprising flame, TRATENGE seeks its continuous evolution, positioning itself at the forefront of development. And aware of its commitment to society, it actively participates in actions of social responsibility. So is TRATENGE: Dynamism, ethics and versatility, allied to the culture of Sustainable Development - fundamental requirements for the perfect attendance to the needs of the market.
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U&M Mineracao e Construcao SA

Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil1975
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