

Beer and other fermented malt liquors
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Beer and other fermented malt liquors


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Top Beer And Other Fermented Malt Liquors Companies

411 Companies

Imerqa, S.A. de C.V. logo

Imerqa, S.A. de C.V.


Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico2011
Our philosophy is inspired by the firm intention of supporting our Commercial Partners to position profitably their products and services through the value that provides reliable information in the decision making and generation of strategies. Generate constantly value for our investors attached to the mission and vision but always maintaining above all things the respect for human dignity. SERVICES STORAGEWe have space for each product "Profile", 3 own wineries with more than 5,000 m2. With infrastructure; Security, Administrative, Financial and Operational. COMMERCIALWe look for and work with direct negotiations with the main commercial chains, according to the profile of each brand and product, We form long-term commercial synergies. BUSINESS MIXMIX "of friends for friends", a commercial chain based on the "Tiendita de Barrio" format, we look for locals and / or retailers that want to start a business. MIX has the Information Technology Support; Adhoc searches where diverse population, commercial and traffic generators data are mixed, all based on a geographic platform that allows to identify diverse Layers (Municipalities, Colonies, nuclei). Each place is conditioned with the best products and best brands of beer. INVESTIGATIONKnow our Information Technologies, oriented to understand and anticipate the needs of Brands. We achieve this through Adohoc studies of high reliability, transparency, state-of-the-art technology and above all, always maintaining a responsible attitude towards our collaborators and their families. Product with census trend (sweep) oriented to obtain; Commercial practices, sales volume, geo localization and photographic evidences the transmission of information ON LINE via mobile devices Android programming Mobile IN HOME. Dashboards programmed IN HOME, customizable for the integration of direct field information at the moment of being lifted. Among others, it allows to perform the following transparency queries: PDM, PDC, SALES BY SKU, THEMATIC MAPS, MARKET OPPORTUNITIES. DIRECT DISTRIBUTIONOur Direct Distribution contains clear processes; Personnel, Facilities, Information and Transportation, allows us to serve more than 1,500 clients (Retailers, Consumer Centers), distributed in areas such as; Valley of Mexico, State of Mexico and Hidalgo. Our orders are transmitted through an App on Mobile devices ON LINE, delivery 12 hours, together with the Urgent service and ON LINE store, it generates value to our entire distribution chain. PROMOTIONAL MARKETING BTL activations; Experiences aimed at the consumer with the brandPDV activations; Direct impulse of sale to the BrandCreative team; Work on new concepts and ideas that generate supremacy vs CompetitionTechnology; Design and programming IN HOME
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Las Cervezas Modelo del Bajío, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico2012
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